Tuesday, November 29, 2011

live cd

In the earlier days, I was running windows 98. Sometime back, something happened to some sectors of the hard disk and the computer did not boot up into win 98. It was then I began to think about live cd distributions.
I had seen some cd's /dvd's which contained live distros of linux which were given away with computer magazines like chip.

But I could not locate those cd's when I needed them. There was a computer shop past which I walk on most days without paying that much attention. Then I noticed that , that particular shop specialised in open source software and advertised linunx distributions including live cds.

I asked them about the distributions. They recommended kubuntu and knoppix. I bought those two cds for around Rs.60/-. The kubuntu cd loaded up but could not be used since the computer that I was using had only a small amount of random access memory ( i guess). But the knoppix cd worked very well and could detect the internet connection by itself.mp3 music files could also be played and it had a nice image manipulation software called gimp and some nice office software for document editing called libre office.

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