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Thursday, August 6, 2020

life of a woman after child birth

life of a woman after child birth

Constipation in the post partum stage usually affects some women (Some of the drugs used during the labour stage of pregnancy and the high levels of some hormones can contribute to the constipation ). So they might be prescribed stool softeners. The first few post partum poops after child birth might be terrifying and might cause anxiety for some new mothers making them very nervous and might be a traumatic experience for some of the new mothers . Sometimes the constipation starts after the woman returns to her house from the hospital.In extreme cases, manual disimpaction ( fragmentation ) using a gloved finger might be needed.   Fiber rich foods are good for dealing with constipation. Food rich in water, warm milk , oatmeal etc seem to be good for dealing with post partum constipation.

Painful hemorrhoids ,anal fissures after c-section  or vaginal birth also affect a lot of women in the post partum stage (feels very painful like glass / sharp knife passing through the anus and might be mixed with bleeding ) . Stool softeners and food rich in fiber, drinking lots of water seems to be helpful in dealing with hemorrhoids after c-section  or vaginal birth. Some of the affected women advice that even if stool does not come out when sitting on the loo, it is better not to strain too much for the bowel movement , because it might push the hemorrhoid out.

Some women suffer from vaginal dryness especially after childbirth due to the huge changes in hormone levels ( especially low levels of estrogen ) in the new mother ( the external vulva region can also get irritated for some women. ) resulting in burning / itching symptoms. Using a lubricant ( lube ) / moisturizer is usually recommended for such women.

A new baby can change a lot of things in your life. Some days after the child is born, the new mother will find that she has a very hectic life and she would usually like to have somebody with her to help her take care of the baby for at least some part of the day.  In the olden days her own mother or mother in law would be near her to share the responsibility of taking care of the new born child. But nowadays with more and more nuclear families , this type of support is also starting to lessen. That is when the importance of socializing with other stay at home mothers ( SAHM ) near your home becomes more important.

Some mothers feel a lot of anxiety in the days/weeks after child birth about coping with taking care of the child and her household. This is usually referred to as PPA ( post partum anxiety ) and may sometimes be mixed up with PPD ( post partum depression or post natal depression ).  Some of  these might be due to hormonal level changes in the post partum period.

Some parents just leave their baby with the grandparents of the child and go for weekend vacations / trips etc. After that the mother might wallow in self guilt, thinking  if it might not have been a better idea taking their child with them for the trip in terms of bonding with the child,  especially if the mother was breastfeeding the child . Some parents have the excuse that very small children will not remember the experience of the trip.

Then there is the question of when the new mother has to return to her work especially if she was a working woman before becoming pregnant.

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