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Friday, August 7, 2020

blood tests and injections in early pregnancy

 blood tests and injections in early pregnancy


As a woman  trying to get pregnant, when you miss your period by a few days. then wait for a few anxious days and then most women are likely to use a urine based pregnancy home  test kit for checking if they are pregnant. [or as a joke use the diy pregnancy test based on common salt where you mix your first morning urine with a  solution of common salt and water and if it turns milky after some time , it might indicate pregnancy.]

 If  the woman finds that she is pregnant, it is best to book a prenatal appointment with a doctor especially if the woman has a history of thyroid problems, diabetes or previous loss of pregnancy.

Managing diabetes with pregnancy is hard.

Once you go to the doctor , it will be the start of blood tests and injections. This might be bad news for women who are afraid of syringes and for women who have small veins which are hard to find. Some persons faint while drawing  blood. Holding hands of their loved ones like spouses or lying down while drawing blood might be helpful for such women.If allowed drinking water to avoid dehydration might also be helpful.

Most doctors will order a HCG blood test to  confirm the pregnancy. HCG blood test refers to a blood test to measure the level (quantitative blood test) of human chorionic gonadotropin [ HCG blood test in short or beta hcg blood test or quantitative hcg blood test]. After conception the level of hcg in the blood increases and  can usually be detected after two weeks in the blood.

 The doctor might schedule another test to confirm that the HCG levels are increasing to confirm a healthy pregnancy. If the doctor feels that the urine tests used were sensitive , the doctor might wait for the ultrasound tests at 7 to 12 weeks.

There might be problems with insurance companies wanting doctor confirmation of the pregnancy before starting prenatal coverage.

The doctor will want to test for blood type and to take precautions in case of

Rh -ve type etc .A CBC might be done to check for anaemia and the doctor might prescribe iron supplements or iron rich foods in case of anaemia.Other screening tests might be for HIV, syphillis, hepatitis B ,genetic disorders , etc .

In some extreme cases with Rh -ve type, the fathers blood test might also be required to screen for complications.

Further diagonostic tests might be ordered based on the results of the screening tests.


Trying to get pregnant or trying to concieve ( TTC )

Pregnancy testing

first trimester of pregnancy

second trimester of pregnancy

Third trimester

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post partum

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Male Fertility

Bipolar disorder medicine during pregnancy.

Changes in women after childbirth


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