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Friday, July 31, 2020

first trimester of pregnancy

First trimester of pregnancy

The period of gestation in a human pregnancy is usually divided into  trimesters starting from the first day of the last menstrual period ( LMP ).

The first three months ( usually through the thirteenth / 12th week ) of pregnancy is usually called the first trimester. This is a very important period and the mother is usually adviced to take extra care. It is best to cut down on alcohol, smoking and caffeine intake.

The implantation will usually start off hormonal changes in the mother's body and this will result in the pregnant mothers body goes through a lot of changes in the first trimester. Nausea, more than usual urination frequency ,higher levels of fatigue, increases sense of smell ,increased sensitivity in the breast / nipple tenderness/  , bluish colouring in the vaginal / labia region are usually seen .The organs of the baby start developing in the first trimester.

Weeks 3 to 8 is usually called the stage of the embryo and from week 9 it is usually referred to as fetus / foetus.

A feeling of bloating / flatulence usually shows up in some pregnant women around the 11th week, because estrogen / progesterone hormone needed for maintaining the pregnancy also relaxes other muscles (in the digestive tract ) leading to slower rates of digestion which might lead to the bloated feeling and farting / gas . Eating small amounts more frequent number of times ,ginger , black tea with lime juice  might be beneficial.

Even though the nausea and possible vomiting are sometimes referred to as morning sickness in pregnancy, the nausea and /or vomiting need not be restricted to the mornings alone

Some pregnant women also feel a metallic taste in the mouth due to the hormonal changes. Some women also express aversion / craving for certain types of food.

In the first trimester pregnant women will usually select their ob - gyn or midwife or stick with their usual family physician. They will usually want to take a first ultrasound or sonogram to check the date the pregnancy, check for twins etc, blood work / analysis, urine analysis, and also will start of the pregnant woman on prenatal vitamins.

But there is also a trend among some doctors to not take an ultrasound or sonogram during the first trimester unless it is absolutely medically necessary because the embryo is most vulnerable in the first trimester stage.

Then some pregnant mothers have to  think about telling others about their pregnancy or to wait till the second trimester before announcing their pregnancy.

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