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Friday, July 31, 2020

second trimester of pregnancy

Second trimester of pregnancy

Pregnant ladies and their partners are usually interested in knowing the week in which the second trimester starts ,about how long the second trimester is, how many weeks are there in the second trimester, and if the 13th week is part of the second trimester or not .

The period from 13th / 14th week (counting from the  LMP last menstrual period )to 27th /28th week of pregnancy is usually called the second trimester.

The nausea / morning sickness and fatigue felt during the first trimester should ideally taper off in the second trimester, but this may continue for some pregnant women even into the second trimester.
Some women will experience increased constipation, headaches , nasal congestion / nosebleeds during this time. Drinking a lot of water and food with fibre might be helpful for alleviating constipation. Some women might see a thin white discharge called leukorrhea from the vagina during this trimester. Tampons are usually not advisable during pregnancy for the vaginal discharges. Some women might experience bleeding from the gums due to the increased level of hormones during pregnancy. Some pregnant women might experience a bit of backache. It is better to avoid high heeled footwear and wear comfortable footwear and avoid lifting heavy things.The breasts are likely to get bigger. Some women experience a increase of libido in the second trimester.

Some women feel a sharp stabbing pain in the vaginal region near the end of the second trimester. Some women experience a glowing skin due to increased blood flow during the second trimester. Many women experience heartburn ( a burning sensation from the lower throat through to the oesophagus / food pipe / gullet  ) during the second trimester. Some pregnant women experience round ligament pain / growing pain / pelvic pain (a sharp kind of pain in the lower belly / groin region ) in the second trimester due to stretching of the ligaments for the growing baby in the uterus.

The skeleton / bones  of the baby will begin developing around the 14th/ 15th week. Hair will also begin to develop around this time.

The small baby bump might begin to show up on some women during the second trimester. Around  the  twenty week period the woman might feel the baby moving in her (sometimes called quickening in pregnancy ) and are usually felt as flutters.

The baby is said to be capable of hearing sounds from outside from around the 23rd week.

Working women might need to plan their maternity leave during this trimester. It is better to request your friends or relatives for their unwanted baby clothes / other reusable baby-items around this time, because you are going to find out that stuff for your baby will be a very major expense.


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