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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Male Fertility

Male Fertility

Usually the tips for ttc ( trying to concieve ) will be written with the woman in mind consisting of tips about FAM ( fertility awareness methods ), bbt charts ( basal body temperature charts ), thickness of the cervical mucus ( CM / EWCM or egg white cervical mucus ) finding the probable ovulation time etc. The idea is that EWCM is likely to be a prelude to ovulation.

Now for a male , the sperm takes nearly 50 to  75 days to mature. In a single ejaculation, millions of sperms are mixed per ml of the semen and ejaculated. When ejaculated into the female vagina, the sperm will move through the cervix and into the uterus and then to the fallopian tubes where hopefully it might fertilize the egg in the female. The sperm may last theoretically from around 3 days to around 5 days in the nutritive supportive cervical fluids ( not in the vagina ) in the woman's body . So the three days around the probable ovulation time is the likely to be the most fertile period for women

When somebody goes for semen analysis / sperm analysis to check the health of his sperm , they usually check for

semen volume (usually over 2 ml per ejaculation ) ,

sperm count / sperm concentration / sperm density ( usually around 20 million to 200 million sperms per ml. ) ,

sperm motility (progressive motility or the ability of the sperm to move in a relatively straight line ),

sperm velocity for propagation,

sperm morphology ( sperm size/shape  expressed as a percentage of sperm which appear normal under a microscope ),

Normozoospermic usually refers to normal sperm quality.
If there is no sperm in the semen the condition is known as azoospermia.

Low sperm count/ motility may be caused by exposure to chemicals (like xenoestrogens which imitate estrogens from some components in plastic bottles ) , mobile phone radiation , prolonged exposure to heat in the testicular region like hot baths in tubs, tobacco and alcohol usage.

Sometimes , overweight / obese men may find it hard to impregante their female partners due to problems related to hormone levels . It is good to decrease body weight to normal range in order to boost male sperm count / motility and hence male fertility.  High blood pressure  and medications for high blood pressure is likely to have detrimental effect on erection in males and also quality of the sperm and male fertility in general. Diabetes is also likely to have bad effects on male fertility due to diabetes causing damage to the nerves ( diabetic neuropathy ) and reduced blood circulation which might lead to problems of erection ( erectile dysfunction ED ), lower ejaculate volume etc .

Regular moderate exercise ( not intense and strenuous exercise ) may boost male fertility. Excess stress levels might reduce sperm quality. reducing stress levels is also good for boosting male fertility. Spme steroids used for muscle development in body building may lead to decrease in sperm quality

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